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About Us

Hereford Civic Society is concerned about all aspects of the built environment and the civil society which lives here. 

We liaise with Hereford City Council and Herefordshire Council on relevant matters.

The society reviews all planning applications within the City.

We have a non-voting seat on the City Council  Planning Committee and we also submit our own comments via the excellent Herefordshire Council website.

Our Objects

To promote high standards of planning and architecture in, or affecting, the city of Hereford.

To educate the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of Hereford

Give related advice and information

Secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic or public interest in Hereford.

This is what we do

Hold events and study visits


Promote an Annual Lecture

Hold ten lectures a year - usually at the Kindle Centre, by ASDA. Belmont HR2 7JE

Comment on planning applications.


Contribute to the debate around all things built environment. We're a friendly bunch of people with eclectic interests from all walks of life - the 2025/6 Governance Team is:


Jeremy Milln (Chairman)

David Fowler (Treasurer and Membership Secretary)

Alan Bucknell

Chris Bucknell 

Martin Leaton       

Marcelle Lloyd Hayes     

Ben Nash

Members of the committee are also under charity law, the charity’s Trustees

A Planning sub-committee reports to the Committee.  The sub-committee reviews all Planning  Applications relating to Listed Buildings (and those that will affect their setting) and for buildings within    Hereford’s Conservation Areas.  This sub- committee has five members (2 Trustees and 3 Members)  and meet monthly (currently on-line using zoom).  Following approval, the committee’s                        recommendations are formally submitted to Herefordshire Council, the planning authority.

The committee welcomes input from members and their drawing the Society’s attention to other matters effecting “PLACE” not only within the historic core of the city, but also in the surrounding conurbation/ countryside.

The Society is supportive of measures that improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists and the  adoption of nationally recognised Active Transport initiatives.  The committee would welcome the formation of a Transport sub-committee. 


Membership benefits include but not exclusively:-

  • Monthly events where local and topical issues are presented by an expert and discussed over a glass of wine or soft drink

  • Monthly emails detailing events and other information of interest to members

  • Quarterly newsletters packed with well informed, fascinating and sometimes controversial articles  

  • Occasional E-news with topical updates

  • Visits to other Civic Societies and places of interest

  • Opportunity to contribute to society and council strategy


Membership Subscription is £15.00 pa or £25.00 for 2 memberships at the same address. You can print off the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM complete it, and return with a cheque made payable to Hereford Civic Society to:-

Hereford Civic Society is an independent local charity representing people who care about the city.Registered Charity No 503504

All material is not necessarily the view of the Society, which primarily acts as a forum for discussion around built environment matters, past, present and future.

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