Current Year Programme 2025
Hereford Civic Society
Meeting Programme January 2025 to December 2025
All meetings are 7.00pm for 7.30pm in Meeting Room Q at the
Kindle Centre behind ASDA, Hereford HR2 7JE unless otherwise stated
Thursday 16th January Jamie Audsley, CEO of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust 'How can we recover nature in Herefordshire?'
Thursday 20th February Johnny Scrimgeour 'Wellbrook Manor - a little known medieval gem with a surprising 600 year history'
Thursday 20th March Joe Emmett
'New Roots in Ancient Lands'
Thursday 24th April (NB a week later because of Easter) Merry Albright
'Saving Staick House'
Thursday 8th May - a special meeting in celebration of VE Day 1945
(please note this is not our usual third Thursday)
Derek Foxton - Hereford, VE Day 1945
Saturday 10th May – Sunday 18th May Herefordshire Histories Festival
Friday 16th May Note a Friday this month Jesse Norman MP Hereford & South Herefordshire Title tbc
Tuesday 10th June 10.30am Visit to the Coningsby Hospital and Museum in Widemarsh Street Tea/coffee on arrival followed by a talk & guided tour of the Museum. Booking via Ros Peter. Cost: £5 per person to be paid when booking.
Thursday 19th June Dave Marshall & Anne Harbour
Look Up in Hereford
Much of Hereford history can be found in its art & architecture above street level – look up to see a mix of the past four or five centuries amidst modern blanks. This talk follows an article written by our speakers in the Friends of Herefordshire Museums and Arts newsletter.
Thursday 17th July Tim Bridges
'Hereford’s Victorian and Edwardian Buildings'
Rebooked owing to his cancellation of October 2024's talk
Thursday 18th September Denise North
Herefordshire Hoard Update and New Discoveries
Thursday 16th October AGM Speaker TBC
Thursday 20th November Speaker TBC
Thursday 18th December Elizabeth O’Keefe
'The Notorious but Remarkably Efficient Gurney Stoves'
Annual Membership: £15.00 (£25.00 for two living at the same address). Membership renewal due each 1st September. The Programme of events can always be found on our website. Non-members always welcome to attend our meetings: meeting admission £3 donation
General public: to receive our free monthly email and be informed of our meeting programme, email: Website: