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The Hereford Area Plan Steering Group has now not met for a year. Volunteer and officer time has disappeared into a black hole. ‘I must have attended a dozen meetings, devoted my precious time, paid for my parking (unlike councillors) and expenses – for nothing. Whilst I have respect for the new administration with their high ideals, the day to day practical stuff has to continue’ John Bothamley, former member of Steering Group.

It is understood that there won’t now be a Hereford Area Plan but a Supplementary Design Guide.

Further it now appears that the draft Hereford Design Guide, largely not liked, has been paid for (£70,000) but not published. It might not be very good but some sort of Design Guidance is imperative. Why not stick it up on the web site at minimum cost?





HCS remains concerned about the delays in establishing the Hereford Area Plan (HAP) and is wanting to stimulate ideas to inspire the candidates for the Local Elections in May 2019.

Hereford Civic Society is seeking your help to create a draft Development Master Plan for Hereford City.  There seems to be widespread agreement that we need one but despite input from many organisations and indeed ourselves at Hereford Civic Society, development still appears to be debated and decided on a project by project basis, rather than as an integral part of an overall strategic development master plan.


We want your input – see drop down tab Master Plan

The Hereford Area Plan (HAP)

This plan will become the City part of the Local Plan that was ratified in 2015.  It is hoped to be in place and adopted by Spring 2019.

John Bothamley is a member of the Hereford Area Plan Steering Group charged with seeing the HAP through the various consultation and examination stages to adoption.

The draft ideas have been out to public consultation in May 2017 in the Issues and Options Consultation.  HCS has commented upon these proposals – to view our response please click here

Work continues on this project rather too slowly for our liking.

Hereford Civic Society is an independent local charity representing people who care about the city.Registered Charity No 503504

All material is not necessarily the view of the Society, which primarily acts as a forum for discussion around built environment matters, past, present and future.

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